Johan A. Dornschneider-Elkink

Programming for Social Scientists

POL 42340 Programming for Social Scientists

Friday, 2--4 pm, B110 Newman Building; continuously on Slack


Overview of all the main Python code you will learn during this course: Python commands

1 26/1 Introduction: Programming and simulations slides lab Videos: what is programming? | using git
Software (optional): Python | Visual Studio Code | git
2 2/2 Variables and functions slides lab Videos: variables and functions | random numbers
3 9/2 Conditionals and flow slides lab Videos: conditional expressions
4 16/2 Loops and lists slides lab Videos: lists | dictionaries | loops
5 23/2 Working with text slides lab Videos: strings and user input
External links: string functions | formatters
6 1/3 Types, classes, and object-oriented programming slides lab Videos: object-oriented programming
7 8/3 (continued)
8 5/4 Files, input and output slides lab Videos: working with files
9 12/4 Class inheritance slides lab
10 19/4 (continued) lab
11 26/4 Testing, debugging, and exception handling slides (continued) Videos: exceptions