All the following questions will ask you to write a function. Every time you write a new function - throughout the course - you should also immediately write a number of tests for the function. Think about some examples where you know or can guess what the outcome should be, and write Python code to see if that outcome indeed occurs. 1. Write a function that accepts an integer (n) and computes the value of n + nn + nnn. (nn means n times n.) 2a. Write a function that has as input parameter "guess" a guessed dice value, then throws a dice, and returns the difference between the thrown value and the guessed value. 2b. Change the above function to guess the sum of three throws instead. 2c. Write a function dice() that takes as input parameter the number of sides of the dice and returns a random dice throw. Edit the functions from 2a and 2b to use this function instead. 3. Write a function that accepts the radius of a circle as input and computes the area. 4. Write a function that takes as input the parameters x1, y1, x2 and y2 and returns the Euclidean distance between two points. 5. Write a function that takes a first and last name as input and returns them in reverse order, with the last name in capitals.